Somewhere out there, a woman is staring at the ceiling at 3 AM, willing herself to sleep while replaying everything she didn’t check off her to-do list.
Another is FaceTiming her family, running on fumes, ignoring the exhaustion settling deep in her bones because slowing down feels like losing ground.
And someone else? She’s foggy, drained, and wondering why no one ever told her that #menopause isn’t just about hot flashes—it’s about learning to pause when the world keeps demanding you push.
I see you. And I want to talk to you. Not to sell you. Not to fix you. But to remind you that rest isn’t something you have to earn.
You deserve your own time, your own care, your own energy—without apology!
So if you need to hit pause, hit it hard. Lay down. Stare at the ceiling. Take the damn nap. Book the trip. Sink into stillness. The world will keep spinning, and when you get back up, you’ll be clearer, stronger, and have fewer WTF moments.
But if rest feels impossible—if pausing makes you anxious or guilty—I get it. Let’s talk about why. Let me help you get there.
Your radiant self is in there, discover how to go get her by working with me. Trust yourself to begin a chat with akindcoaching.
Compassionate kickassery for women ready for real change!
#menopause #coach #womensupportingwomen