I had a photo shoot. Midlife. I danced, I sang, I felt free and alive. Vibrant. Empowered. I owned every second of it. Proud of myself, proud of the woman I’ve become. And yes, I’m post-menopausal.
I did it to launch my coaching business—a passion project born to help lift women into their power during this incredible season of life.
So yes, I did a photo shoot—not to flood a feed with pictures of myself, but to build a brand with a message that truly connects. A message rooted in what matters most to me: supporting women, fostering empathy, empowering change, and rewriting the outdated narrative around menopause.
#Menopause has been treated like a taboo for far too long. Midlife women are dismissed, told they’re “dried up,” irrelevant, or over the hill. But let me ask—when a midlife woman steps into her power and builds something meaningful, why does judgment often follow?
If my unapologetic showing up—whether it’s rocking my portable fan on a Zoom call or launching a bold new chapter—makes someone uncomfortable, that’s on them. Because this season of life isn’t about shrinking to fit someone else’s idea of who we should be. It’s about rewriting the story.
As a coach, my journey matters because I’ve been through it too. I know the confusion, the frustrations, the changes. But this isn’t about me—it’s about you. It’s about helping you find your radiant, unstoppable self, the one who’s still in there waiting for you to trust her again.
So yes, I did a photo shoot—because I take this work seriously. This is bigger than me. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to put yourself first, that time is now.
I’m here to pay it forward—part heart-centered mentor, part kick-ass motivator, and 100% all in on you!
Your radiant self is in there, discover how to go get her by working with me, trust yourself to begin a chat with akindcoaching.
Compassionate kickassery for women ready for real change!
#branding #marketing #coaching