Scariest Place to Be? Stuck Where You Were Last Year…

Picture this: you, mid-dance, not entirely sure if you’re nailing the routine or about to make the wrong move. But you keep going—dancing, moving, stepping into the unknown. That’s the mantra for 2025: don’t care who’s watching, who’s judging, or who’s got something to say. Just keep being you ❣️ Keep moving. Refuse to settle for anything less than forward momentum.
It’s not about chasing perfection—it’s about embracing and owning the incredible new you. It’s about stepping into change (sometimes tripping over it), wobbling through the chaos, and eventually finding your own groove.
Sure, #menopause might throw its full arsenal at you—every symptom in the book (and some that aren’t even listed)—but here’s the plot twist:
You’re not just surviving. You’re thriving. You’re still out there, going, doing, being!
Here’s what I know for sure:
Every stumble? A hard-earned badge of courage.
Every wobble? Proof you’re mastering resilience, one step at a time.
Every recovery? Evidence that you’re nothing short of unstoppable.

2025 isn’t waiting, and neither should you.

Your radiant self is in there, discover how to go get her by working with me, trust yourself to begin a chat with akindcoaching.
Compassionate kickassery for women ready for real change!
#confidence #growthmindset #coaching

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